See Zanakand and the world of Spira and all the different places.
Spira |

Besaid Island |

Besaid Island
A small tropical island on the southernmost end of Spira. It was fairly recently attacked by Sin. Yuna was brought here
by Kimahri Ronso at the request of her father, High Summoner Braska. Initially it was to be Auron who would bring her, but he was mortally wounded by Lady Yunalesca, and just before he died, he relegated the task to Kimahri.
Yuna grew up here with Wakka and Lulu. The temple in Besaid was home to the fayth for the aeon Valefor.
Kilika Island |

Kilika Island
A medium-sized island north of Besaid and just south of Luca. During's Yuna's pilgrimage, its village was decimated by
Sin and several people were killed. It was here that Yuna performed her first sending of the dead. Two years later, the village
was rebuilt, but it was where tensions between the Youth League and New Yevon were at their worst. The temple in Kilika was
home to the fayth for the aeon Ifrit.
Luca |

Luca is the second largest city in Spira, and the home of the only Blitzball stadium. Because of this, the Crusaders, a
group organized to protect the people of Spira from Sin, fought to the death in order to protect it. Blitzball was the only
form of entertainment for the people of Spira during the time of Sin, and losing the stadium would have been a serious blow
to their morale. After Sin's defeat, Luca began to host more entertainment. Also of interest is the theater, where one can
listen to the game's music and view the full motion video sequences.
Mi'ihen Highroad |

Mi'ihen Highroad
This road links the city of Luca and Mushroom Rock Road. It is also the road that Lord Mi'ihen, creator of the Crusaders
(initially known as the Crimson Blades) walked on to face a trial of Yevon. The clergy thought that his organization was dangerous
to the church; however, he convinced them that he was no threat, and they made his group an arm of the Yevon clergy. Beyond
the travel agency, the road separates into two different paths. The lower path is called the "Old Road" and may have been
the path Lord Mi'ihen traveled. It is a narrow path that is now used mostly when someone falls off the highroad.
Mushroom Rock Road |

Mushroom Rock Road
Notable chiefly for its mushroom-shaped rock formations and as the site of the ill-fated Operation Mi'ihen, where the Crusaders
and the Al Bhed tried, and failed, to defeat Sin by using ancient machina. It later became the Base of Operations for the
Youth League.
Djose |

There is not much of interest in Djose, excepting the temple, which housed the fayth for the aeon, Ixion. Once the Eternal
Calm came along, the temple was abandoned, so the Machine Faction set up their headquarters there. Of note, when Sin was running
wild over Spira, the rocks normally covering the temple would separate and hover in mid-air when a summoner prayed to the
fayth. Now the rocks hover whenever anybody approaches the temple.
Moonflow |

The Moonflow is a large river running through the heart of Spira. It is notable for shoopuf rides and for the pyreflies
which gather on the surface of the water at night, as well as the semi-entertaining productions by Chief Tobli and his troupe
of Hypello performers. An ancient machina city lies at the bottom of the Moonflow. Long ago, in hubris, a city was built on
top of the river. However, nature prevailed, and the city sank into the waters. The people of Spira viewed this city as proof
of the rightness of Yevon's teachings; even with its plethora of advanced technology, the city still sank into the river.
Guadosalam |

Home of the Guado and the location of the entrance to the Farplane. Most summoners only made a short stop here on their
way to the Zanarkand Ruins to pay respects to their fallen. After Sin was destroyed, the Guado left their home in fear of
the Ronso. Shortly thereafter, Guadosalam became a favorite locale for sphere hunters, and the LeBlanc Syndicate took up residence
in the old manor where Guado leaders like Seymour once lived in
Farplane |

The Farplane is the final resting place for the people of Spira. Summoners send the souls of the
dead to the Farplane using a ritual dance called the Sending. If they are not sent, they will be forced to wander in the land of the living. Eventually, they grow
to envy, and even hate the living, and this hatred will turn them into to fiends. The main entrance to the Farplane for mortals
is located in Guadosalam, where the people called the Guado look after the Farplane.
Thunder Plains |

Thunder Plains
The Thunder Plains is the site of a vast, never ending thunder storm. Many a traveller met their end here, until an Al
Bhed by the name of Bilghen set up lightning rod towers to draw the lightning away from the main path. He died after being
hit by a stray bolt. Once Sin was defeated, the Al Bhed fortified the towers so the lightning wouldn't harm travelers.
Macalania |

Perhaps the most striking location in all of Spira, Macalania was a large sparkling blue forest, full of glowing crystal
formations and shining skyways. Eventually, the forest led out into an icy lake, which was the location of Macalania temple,
home of the fayth for the aeon Shiva (the reason for Malacania's frozen environment). But after the Fayth faded away, the
Forest began to die, and the temple sank into the unfrozen lake. Some of Spira's greatest musicians also lived there.
Bikanel Island |

Bikanel Island
A large desert island far to the west of Spira's mainland. It was the location of the Al Bhed's home, until it was attacked
by the Guado. Rikku's father, Cid, was forced to use the Airship's missiles to destroy it. The Machine Faction later return to excavate the sands for machine
parts, only to learn of another race, the cactuars of the Cactuar Nation.
Bevelle |

The largest city in Spira and center of the church of Yevon. It is also the birthplace of Yuna. Interestingly, Bevelle
makes liberal use of machina, even though they are forbidden by the scriptures. Even the Grand Maester of Yevon, Lord Mika,
is unsent. People who question the church's policies are thrown into the Via Purifico, a large underground sewer full of fiends.
After Sin was defeated, the Yevon order was banned, but a new group based on Yevon (the New Yevon Party) took up residence.
The areas under Bevelle include the resting place for Vegnagun, and the 'Via Infinto'. The temple in Bevelle was home to the
fayth of the aeon Bahamut.
Calm Lands |

Calm Lands
The Calm Lands are the location where Bevelle and Zanarkand fought their most brutal and destructive battle. The war left
the land practically dead and barren. Eventually, summoners took note of this uninhabited land; it was an ideal place to use
the Final Summoning. Eventually, it became known as the Calm Lands, because it is where summoners defeat Sin and bring the
Calm. The Calm Lands also houses the hidden Remiem Temple, which was lost as Sin tore the earth asunder with the last of its
strength combatting High Summoner Gandof, where the Fayth of the three Magus Sisters aeons rest. After Sin's defeat, the Calm
Lands became an amusement park, where two promotion companies, Open Air and Argent, compete for customers to play their betting games. The Calm Lands also
featured a battle arena known as the Monster Ranch, where the unsuspecting visitor gets to battle Spira's toughest fiends.
Mount Gagazet |

Mount Gagazet
Mount Gagazet is the highest point in Spira and home to the Ronso tribe, as well as the fayth of Zanarkand. Before the
Eternal Calm, summoners had to pass over this treacherous mountain in order to reach the Zanarkand ruins. It is littered with
the graves of summoners who died trying to pass. After the defeat of Sin, the fayth which resided there disappeared. The place
where they used to reside is now called Fayth's Scar. The disappearance of the fayth has also revealed ancient ruins
on the peak of Gagazet.
Zanarkand Ruins |

Zanarkand Ruins
The desiccated ruins of the once great machina city, Zanarkand. Once so active and full of life, it is now dark and home
to only dust and fiends. Yunalesca awaited the arrival of the strongest of the summoners, so that she may give them the Final
Summoning to defeat Sin. But during the Eternal Calm, Zanarkand became a tourist attraction, and people from all over Spira
sought to visit it, despite its previous status as a holy place.
Baaj Temple |

Baaj Temple
Baaj Temple is the location where Tidus first awakened after being transported out of the dream Zanarkand. Here, nearly
lost his life to the fish fiend Geosgaeno, and also met Rikku for the first time. Most of the temple lies in ruins and much
of it is submerged underwater. It was here that Jyscal sent his wife and their son Seymour Guado to avoid persecution for
Seymour being the child of a Human and a Guado, which was regarded as an abomination by Human and Guado alike at the time.
It is also here that the party can receive the Aeon Anima after defeating Yunalesca and returning to Baaj in the airship.